The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra), have a grant available for Poultry Farmers, Laying Hen Housing for Health and Welfare grant round 1, open for application until midnight 18th September 2024.
What is the Grant for?
The grant will cover a maximum of 40% of the cost of the comprehensive project – to upgrade (refurbish) or replace (with new) existing buildings that currently house laying hens or pullets to deliver health and welfare benefits.
What is also exciting to see is the support given to renewable energy generation - if you are including rooftop solar PV systems as part of your project, you can apply for up to 25% of the eligible costs, which will improve your ROI & paybacks and help with those energy bills.
Installing a solar PV system on your funded building will contribute to the grant funding priority of enhancing environmental sustainability.
Who can apply?
You can apply for a grant if you’re an existing commercial egg producer or pullet rearer. You must be a registered keeper of 1000 or more birds. These must be on site when you fill in the online checker or have been within the last 6 months. Any buildings you build or upgrade with money from the grant must be located in England.
How can we help?
Not enough time? Want some help applying, just get in touch and we can help you through the process.