How we work
Site visit / analysis
Analysis of relevant historical data including energy consumption and heat losses.
Desktop review of site(s) including initial assessment of suitable renewable energy technologies.
Full site survey.
Agree project aims and success criteria.
Technical Specification
Preparation of technical specifications including:
Structural calculations design engineering drawings,
Planning permissions,
Grant applications, schedules etc as required.
Project planning and timing
Installation times and final pricing
Open book review of supplier proposals
Energy Efficiency Appraisal
Some of the detail that would be included:
A market analysis of suitable energy saving technologies which integrate into existing equipment & business processes.
Initial discussions with manufacturers.
Preliminary proof of concept estimations: energy outputs, volumes, flow rates, heat transfer rates, etc.
High level return on investment and payback calculations.
Deliver & manage
Tender / contract award.
Supervision of delivery & installation of equipment.
Integration into existing infrastructure.
Testing & commissioning.
Data collection & analysis of savings and energy generation.
Ongoing review.